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KOPINATA adalah produk dari UKM Pabriek Kopi Nata. Produsen pioneer khusus kopi rendah kafein yang terletak di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Produk kami menggunakan 100% kopi asli Indonesia. Dengan bahan-bahan asli Indonesia, dibuat di Indonesia, oleh Rakyat Indonesia.
Diantaranya kopi arabika, robusta dan juga kopi liberika. Kopi rendah kafein kami diolah tanpa menggunakan solvent/zat pelarut kafein. Sehingga kopi kami “NYAMAN DI LAMBUNG DAN GAK BIKIN DEG-DEG-AN”. Dengan kata lain, produk kami “Zero Chemical”. Kopi kami aman dikonsumsi untuk semua usia.
Butuh waktu 2 bulan proses, dari setelah panen sampai kopi bisa tersaji di meja konsumen. Perlu kecermatan dan juga ketelitian agar zat baik dari kopi tidak hilang setelah proses produksi ini. Sehingga kopi yang dihasilkan TIDAK HANYA KOPI RENDAH KAFEIN, NAMUN JUGA KAYA MANFAAT.
Dan limbah dari proses produksi kami berupa limbah organik yang langsung kami manfaatkan sebagai pupuk tanaman. Sehingga proses produksi kami “Ramah Lingkungan” atau dengan kata lain “Zero Waste”.
KOPINATA is product of SME Pabriek Kopi Nata. We are a home industry that specializes in making low-caffeine coffee in The Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Our products use 100% authentic Indonesian coffee. With original Indonesian ingredients, made in Indonesia, by the Indonesian.
Among them are Arabica, Robusta and Liberica coffee.
Our Low Caffeine coffee is processed without using caffeine solvent/SOLVENT FREE. So that our coffee is “COMFORTABLE FOR YOUR STOMACH & COMFORTABLE FOR YOUR HEART” . In other words, our product is “ZERO CHEMICAL“. Our coffee also safe for consumption for all ages.
It takes 2 months to process, from after harvesting until the coffee can be served on the consumer's table. Care is needed and also thoroughness so that the good substances from coffee do not disappear after this production process. So that the coffee produced is NOT ONLY LOW CAFFEINE COFFEE, BUT ALSO RICH BENEFITS.
And the waste from our production process is in the form of organic waste which we directly use as fertilizer for plants.
So that our production process is “ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY” or in other words “ZERO WASTE“
Diantaranya kopi arabika, robusta dan juga kopi liberika. Kopi rendah kafein kami diolah tanpa menggunakan solvent/zat pelarut kafein. Sehingga kopi kami “NYAMAN DI LAMBUNG DAN GAK BIKIN DEG-DEG-AN”. Dengan kata lain, produk kami “Zero Chemical”. Kopi kami aman dikonsumsi untuk semua usia.
Butuh waktu 2 bulan proses, dari setelah panen sampai kopi bisa tersaji di meja konsumen. Perlu kecermatan dan juga ketelitian agar zat baik dari kopi tidak hilang setelah proses produksi ini. Sehingga kopi yang dihasilkan TIDAK HANYA KOPI RENDAH KAFEIN, NAMUN JUGA KAYA MANFAAT.
Dan limbah dari proses produksi kami berupa limbah organik yang langsung kami manfaatkan sebagai pupuk tanaman. Sehingga proses produksi kami “Ramah Lingkungan” atau dengan kata lain “Zero Waste”.
KOPINATA is product of SME Pabriek Kopi Nata. We are a home industry that specializes in making low-caffeine coffee in The Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Our products use 100% authentic Indonesian coffee. With original Indonesian ingredients, made in Indonesia, by the Indonesian.
Among them are Arabica, Robusta and Liberica coffee.
Our Low Caffeine coffee is processed without using caffeine solvent/SOLVENT FREE. So that our coffee is “COMFORTABLE FOR YOUR STOMACH & COMFORTABLE FOR YOUR HEART” . In other words, our product is “ZERO CHEMICAL“. Our coffee also safe for consumption for all ages.
It takes 2 months to process, from after harvesting until the coffee can be served on the consumer's table. Care is needed and also thoroughness so that the good substances from coffee do not disappear after this production process. So that the coffee produced is NOT ONLY LOW CAFFEINE COFFEE, BUT ALSO RICH BENEFITS.
And the waste from our production process is in the form of organic waste which we directly use as fertilizer for plants.
So that our production process is “ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY” or in other words “ZERO WASTE“